Tuesday, November 17, 2009

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hero is someone who stands out for his courage and sacrifice in defense of truth, or a valiant warrior. In the official rules of Indonesia, Indonesia's national heroes are:

1. RI citizens who died in the struggle-quality-in defending the nation and state,
2. RI citizens who have contributed to defend the nation and state in the next life history is not tainted by an act which makes the struggle worth disabilities.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Youth Pledge

Youth Pledge is a statement of allegiance-density Pemoedi Pemoeda Indonesia or known as the Second Youth Congress, was read on October 28, 1928. This date was later celebrated as "Youth Pledge Day".

October 28 is the day of the Youth Pledge Pledge Pemuda.Rumusan Yamin Moehammad written on a paper when Mr. Sunario, as a scout was addressing delegates at the last session of Congress. The oath was read by Soegondo initially and then explained at length by Yamin.